
Results 9 issues of _haku_

### 你正在使用哪个版本? 1.8.0 ### 使用最新版本是否还遇到同样的问题? 是 ### 你的手机型号和手机操作系统版本是多少? 小米10,MIUI 11 20.3.5,Android 10 ### 你遇到了什么问题? 规则集中的HTTPS和HTTPS+LOCAL的DNS设置不能被正确地parse ![IMG_20200309_105710](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18721230/76179333-8e452780-61f5-11ea-968c-969ab3e57027.jpg) ### 你遇到的问题可以用固定步骤重现吗? 可以 ### 你正使用的配置 ```json `[RoutingRule] # adblock DOMAIN-SUFFIX, googleads.g.doubleclick.net, Block DOMAIN-KEYWORD, geosite:category-ads,...

### 描述此错误 经过代理访问纯ipv6域名显示ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ![Screenshot_2022-04-26-04-05-04-983_com android chrome](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18721230/165167072-f12c76f4-a3d3-4dac-be66-bdd6ed422e27.png) 配置覆写中已强制开启ipv6并强制使用内置DNS解析 ![Screenshot_2022-04-26-04-06-39-482_com github kr328 clash](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18721230/165167236-e402f7b8-e612-4035-930c-91a42b9fa0d9.png) 同一设备上分应用不经过代理的firefox能正常访问 ![IMG_20220426_040604](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18721230/165167309-cfcb5358-c560-4b5e-abe5-f252fe393191.jpg) 因此应该不是dns本身的问题 cfw也能正常访问,因此应该也不是core的问题 ### 如何复现该错误 步骤 1:在ipv6可用环境下,使用cfa代理chrome 步骤 2:使用chrome访问纯ipv6域名(如https://api-ipv6.ip.sb/ip) 步骤 3:chrome报错ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 步骤 4:停止cfa代理 步骤 5:chrome访问纯ipv6域名恢复正常 ### 设备信息 -...

help wanted

I'm trying to simply set up an https proxy which has a basic auth check and proxy everything to a http proxy listening on localhost. In the Caddyfile, I write...

Dalamud log: ``` 2022-08-31 00:12:36.485 +08:00 [ERR] [LOCALPLUGIN] Error while loading AntiAfkKick System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler'...

I tried to start caddy with `servers { protocols h3 }` in global settings. However, caddy seems still trying to bind to tcp port. My Caddyfile is something like this:...

deferred :alarm_clock:

Requests to https://universalis.app/market/${some_item_ID} end up with 500 Internal Server Error. In the browser console, nextJS also reported a minified React error #418: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not...


使用IceBox模式激活,IcoBox使用设备管理员模式激活,点击跳转链接之后会一直显示“正在跳转中...”的loading界面,从MIUI11到MIUI12都是这样。 目前的系统:MIUI12 20.2.7 , Android 10

Bot keeps saying `Sorry, I didn't find username {someone}` when receiving `/sub {someone}`. The error mentioned in the title is shown in the stdout. Is this related to the recent...

I'm using both this package for reCAPTCHA v3 and another package for reCAPTCHA v2 in my project. My intention is to activate the v2 version as a backup when the...