Haruki Hasegawa

Results 22 issues of Haruki Hasegawa

Hi, I am the author of Advanced RecyclerView. I have released v0.11.0 today (October 22, 2017) 🎉 The release includes several important changes with breaking backward compatibilities. 1. Dropped API...


I noticed that `OpenSLMediaPlayer` failed to play OGG files on Android 7.0+. The following error message printed on logcat; ``` E/ACodec: [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] ERROR(0x80001005) E/ACodec: signalError(omxError 0x80001005, internalError -2147483648) E/MediaCodec: Codec...


OpenSLMediaPlayer can't play network source file (ex. http:// URL file) on Lollipop, due to the Android OS bug since L preview. - [android-developer-preview Issue 1700: [OpenSL ES] Cannot play network...


Some known issues are described on Wiki. Please refer to the following page. https://github.com/h6ah4i/android-openslmediaplayer/wiki/Known-Issues


Test fails on testPlayerStateTransition() test case due to native crash. - [android-developer-preview Issue 1694: Sometimes zero division exception occurs inside of the system MP3 decoder on Lollipop](https://code.google.com/p/android-developer-preview/issues/detail?id=1694&q=OpenSL&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary)


This library provides built-in proguard rules like the following. **Is it really needed? I think this library is not using any reflections and it seems to be safe to remove...

Hi. Thanks for the superb theme. I am making my library's document site with this theme. Currently`//gohugo.io/js/highlight.pack.js` is hard-coded in `footer_js.html` but I want to replace it with custom packaged...

The following command fails because the submodule package is not published to the npm registry. When will the submodule officially be released? ```bash npm install @googleapis/playintegrity ``` ref.) https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=scope%3Agoogleapis%20playintegrity

type: question
priority: p3

## 🐛 Describe the bug **This is not a critical issue at present, but it should be fixed in a future release.** The AndroidX Fragment v1.4.0 (NOTE: currently in alpha...

help wanted