Zhonghao Guo
Zhonghao Guo
Hardware: qcom, tiffany Device: Xiaomi, xiaomi, MI 5X ROM: QL1515-tiffany-build-20180308005627 Android Version: SDK: 7.1.2 (sdk:25) Locale: zh_CN Date: Fri May 04 06:55:55 GMT+08:00 2018 Channel: chKuAn App Version: 1.2.681.1701(681) android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException:...
Hi! Thank you for making this interesting yet aesthetic game. I share this to my friends and they all love it! Is it possible to support landscape mode on tablets?...
I build the docker image as the instruction. It returns this error after running. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "./autosub/main.py", line 10, in from autosub import logger ModuleNotFoundError:...
In VS Code, loading `correlationfunnel` will raise error because of `rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()` ```R r$> library(correlationfunnel) Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘correlationfunnel’: .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'correlationfunnel', details: call:...