Results 6 comments of H3NR1KE

What about add in the config { every: { hour: 10, minute: 30 }, count : 1 } but I'm not sure if this will count the entire cycle of...

for me its not working as well, tried to set the count with a higher number, but no luck. the mobile phone keep vibrating when the time comes... ```js var...

+1 for ng-if solution....

I'm still facing this issue also... =( any ideas?

I'm facing problems with `@import` at this moment, even using cssmin : { options : { 'processImport': false }, root: 'path/to/root/css/' }, anyone has any suggestion on how t o...

+1 working in an perfect way on Android, but getting an error trying when I call `window.plugins.uniqueDeviceID.get` testing on cordova (using Oracle MAF tools)