
Results 462 comments of h2zero

You can turn bonding on or off as needed there is just not a way to recognize a peer device with a random address via whitelist. What you can do...

Yes `onAuthenticationComplete` will tell you when you've bonded, may want to set a flag here or something, that you can test in `onConnect()`. You can check for the bonded flag...

I'll play with this tonight and see if I can find a solution. Very strange that the bonded flag isn't set when reconnecting, might be a bug in NimBLE

It can be triggered multiple ways but the whole process is handled in the stack. You certainly can call that in the callback although it may cause another issue if...

I'll have a look, there has been a lot of work on this area of the NimBLE stack in recent weeks to address such things. If you feel like giving...

Just did a quick test and I can confirm that NimBLE is not reporting the bonded flag correctly in the `onConnect` callback. Unfortunately the proper fix for this will likely...

Yes that PR is being worked on by espressif and will hopefully get merged. In the mean time, for your purproses I believe there is a possible work around, it's...

Great, I'll see what can be done to simplify this going forward.

Hi @fhelie, it should work with an RPA as the address gets resolved before the callback is called. If that is not the case on your tests let me know.

Yes, the version will bump to 2.x.x once all the api changes are made.