NLP Odyssey
NLP Odyssey
阅读的内容重排是肯定不会做的,而 `将自动识别网页中的正文区域的部分做得更加便捷` 确实是需要完善的地方。 不过最近这段挺忙,恐怕得拖一段时间了 >
不过大部分情况下编译后的 ES5 代码直接就混淆压缩投入使用了,也不会直接阅读编译后的代码。
已经很有一段时间了,希望推出 3.0 的二进制版本下载。:smile:
刚刚我在 Windows 上测试了一下,4.2G 的文件上传正常。 稍等我再在 NAS 上测试一下。
用 screen运行的,所以日志是输出的最后几行。 nas 上问题依旧: ``` [==__________________] 12% (1.1GB/8.7GB) ETA: 18h23m (121kB/s, 2h29m gone) 'Wall-E.2008.BluRay.1080p.DTS-ES.3Audio.x264-CHD.mkv' >>==> '/apps/bypy/walle.mkv' OK. [==__________________] 12% (1.1GB/8.7GB) ETA: 18h26m (120kB/s, 2h33m gone) 'Wall-E.2008.BluRay.1080p.DTS-ES.3Audio.x264-CHD.mkv' >>==> '/apps/bypy/walle.mkv' OK. [==__________________]...
@jlesage When using the Firefox container, it is necessary to read and write the clipboard through the input box. Since there is no Chinese input method in the container, this...
@jlesage By using some additional scripts, it can automatically input the text in the clipboard in the browser, so don't have to paste it manually in that case. (You can...
Using userscript in Firefox can auto read Clipboard on change, and input it into page. it is useful to me. @tsurara-guobin @lifetraveler 1. Enter `about:config` in navigation bar 2. Search...