Thanks for the update Torsten. I did look at the code but when I run PT with good poses with BA iterations set to 1 it surely outputs changed poses....
I just found out that I am working with a "home-grown" mod of Colmap and that is the problem. Let me fix that and check again. Thanks for the prompt...
I circumvented the problem by deleting entries from a DB and keeping the relevant ones and not copying the data as I was doing before.
Thanks for adding to this issue. Demo.py and lazyconfig both do not work with the LVIS models / configs and it is not clear how to do basic inference with...
Hi, I am unable to repeat the experiments on Instance Segmentation that you mention. Some links are stale (e.g. ([cascade_mask_rcnn_vitdet_eva_1536.py](https://github.com/baaivision/EVA/blob/master/det/projects/ViTDet/configs/COCO/cascade_mask_rcnn_vitdet_eva_1536.py)) You mention "(it has to be build from the EVA...