Sergey Igushkin
Sergey Igushkin
> Therefore we can apply the java-base plugin also You mean the `jvm-ecosystem` plugin, right? LGTM, then.
IMO it would also be nice to have: create new directory and go into it. Use case: creating a nested directory like `src/main/kotlin`. One file manager that I knew would...
I'd say you can use a `Parser` and maybe wrap it into a `SkipParser` so that it's easier to use in and-chains. I tried with something like the code below,...
> In order for my tests to pass I had to change else clause to fromPosition + 1 but that breaks your test 😿 My idea was that this combinator...
This is a draft as it needs a change in the `configuration-cache-report` front-end first:
Converted to draft again as I got some CI test failures.
I got some more test failures, one of them seems rather complicated. Looking into it.
@bot-gradle test ReadyForNightly
@bot-gradle test ReadyForNightly
@drymarev Could you please check whether you have a dependency on `atomicfu-common` anywhere in your project globally? Please search for `atomicfu-common` in your Gradle build scripts and in the `./gradlew...