
Results 19 issues of h0adp0re

It'd be great if glow would read its config from `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` instead of `~/Library/Preferences/glow/glow.yml` on macOS. I frankly don't know anyone who uses `~/Library` for any kind of configuration for...

I've just found it's sometimes necessary to start a break early. Is that a feature this tool would support?

I can't seem to use `thyme` perfectly with a `status-interval` of 10. Sometimes the timer appears right away, sometimes after a few seconds. The same with stopping the timer. Naturally,...

It'd be great if we could specify some text to prepend, maybe even append to the timer. I for example would like to display a little tomato icon there, for...

I use this tool primarily in the tmux statusbar and I don't want a 1 second refresh interval due to performance reasons. For this reason it'd be great to be...

Thanks for the tool, it's exactly what I was looking for. It'd be perfect if I could store its configuration files in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`, `$HOME/.config` on macOS. For example in `$HOME/.config/thyme`....

I have a relatively simple request, I'd like an option to trim floating points from CPU percentage as they add no value to me and make the percentage harder to...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The default layout of the floating window is not something I love. It's very abrupt. **Describe the solution you'd like**...

PR welcome

## What I did I ran [this script](https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior/blob/e60fdafdaa461250d9a82ecfb20251473ba8c676/doc/rc/refresh) to fetch holidays for my locale. I have substituted my locale for `en-US` here but the error remains the same. The locale...

I'd like a feature where exiting multi mode with `shift` + `tab` for example will open selected URLs, instead of copying them.