Heberto Mayorquin
Heberto Mayorquin
Instead of `random_spikes` what about `sample_spikes`? In line with these three big boys: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generated/numpy.random.sample.html https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html#random.sample https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.sample.html
> What about the fact that sample can mean something very specific for ephys (ie the sample_rate)? Mmm I always think on function names as verbs so this connection did...
You mght be right. I think I expressed myself wrongly about. I meant that I did not see the connection before. I like `sample_spikes_indices ` because: 1) It is a...
> But I think random_spikes is a better name even though it is less precise because at a public level we just want people to know they need to sample...
> Does that make sense? I agree that sample should be included in the name, but I think the public part of the api should be simple/even if using an...
Tip: You have https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.logspace.html to generate your samples. Benchamark comments: * I think you should fix your seed in your benchmark explictly. * I find the `spike_length` variable hard to...
> Spike_length is just the number of spikes in the spike vector. So for generic data, this increases linearly with time. On a second thought, this seems more amenable to...
@zm711 I fixed most of the errors of the binary around those versions. There is a memory leak on `np.memmap` (or the way we use them in conjuntion with multiprocessing)...
@florgf88 any chance you could run this against with the latest version? Otherwise we should close this due to inactivity.
Got you. I am very confused as to why this could be. The only components to write_binary is numpy's memmap and I don't think that has changed with versions or...