Is there a tool to draw debug image (tp/fa/miss)? it will be helpful in analysing thanks good work and well documented
Hi~ Is there a way to modify the test batchsize? (and gpu number use) thanks!
非常感谢你们的工作,我们在自己数据集上试了一下效果不错,现在准备部署,按照传统的方式我们准备转onnx,但是遇到问题,无法转onnx。 请问下对该模型的部署有什么建议吗? 非常感谢!
Hello, thanks for your nice work I want to ask will O365 pretrained weights be released? It will be helpful for enhancing substream tasks Expected to hear from you
Thanks for your great work I want to ask why need to interpolate pos_emb in eva02 detection. input size of eva02 is 1024*1024 patch embedding size is 16 * 16,...