@vasturiano Hi Vasturiano, so sorry for my late reply. Kind of busy these two days. Just try the cooldownTime again, yes it can stop the force simulation. Why it doesn't...
@vasturiano d3.json is one of the module in d3-fetch, however it's no luck cooldownTime doesn't work if I use d3.json. Would you please explain a little bit more about "after...
@vasturiano Thank you so much for your answer, yes I can get the links and nodes by using setTimeout(). Today I found "cooldownTime" doesn't work either use jsonUrl() or d3.json....
@vasturiano OK. Let me create an example with dummy data, upload to https://codepen.io and then post it in here again.
@vasturiano Hi Vasturiano, I published the codes and files in here. Kindly take a look. This is my first time upload project to github, kindly let me know if you...
@vasturiano Actually in our real case, we are not rendering 16000 links. We create a level 3 network with specific entity so all of the nodes are connected and without...
@vasturiano Hi Vasturiano, Thank you so much for your patient explanation and valuable suggestion. You are so kind and impressed me a lot! Regarding to some suggestions you mention about,...
@vasturiano Thank you so much! It really helps~ For nodeVisibility and linkVisibility accessor props, if there's something like API documents it would be much more helpful. sorry I got in...
@vasturiano Yes I have checked https://github.com/vasturiano/3d-force-graph. I downloaded all of the example and successfullly deployed at my end. For the API document, it contains description that illustrate the method. However...
@vasturiano If a node connects to 10000 nodes, it looks like a ball. This node is the "key connector". Given that there are too many nodes, we won't show the...