Grzegorz Wierzowiecki

Results 22 comments of Grzegorz Wierzowiecki


I also gave a shot trying to sketch `Dockerfile` to make issue reproducible+just having Docker with it in case I would like to run it in Docker. However I kind...

As you see in [provided `Dockerfile`]( I install go in line `RUN pacman -S --noconfirm go go-tools` . Just put above `Dockerfile` in some directory and try with docker :...

I just tested with older version I downloaded to harddrive in past, and there is same issue, so it's possible that something has changed in how Chromium does layout.

I had similar idea for another overlay filesystem that just resolves for "too long filenames" otherwise proxy 1:1 with underlaying filesystem. While searching for such "fuse overlaying filesystem too long...

@fulldecent , I assume you've meant that it's builtin for EncFS, do you ? I appreciate such built-in feature of EncFS, still would like to have ability to add one...

@rfjakob so is it [gocryptfs]( I through other way rount - to mount one more layer **above** ecryptfs, that would just translate longfilenames and do nothing else (i.e. to proxy...

Let's assume that yes and with consent, willing to do so.

As you see in above tickets it get's stuck despite RETRY and TIMEOUT parameters. As interim solution I run it in a loop , each time with one site in...

I propose to add this for now , so people trying to preserve tumblr blogs will preserve also text/captions in xml/json files, for which we can introduce later conversion to...