Gunnar Wolf
Gunnar Wolf
En realidad... No se cuál de todos los pedacitos de mi sobrecrecido .emacs haga falta para compilar, así que va un poco seleccionado a mano, a modo de prueba. Intenta...
Nicolás Wolovick dijo [Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 07:55:30AM -0700]: > Aún no lo puedo hacer compilar, pero estoy de a poquito arrinconando el asunto. No va a funcionarte bien...
Para quien quiera ayudar a este proyecto: Hay que comenzar a migrar a org-mode 8!
@popcornmix, Thanks for the heads up! Yes, this is great, I am in the process of preparing a new upload to Debian. @timg236, sorry for the long delay. I use...
XECDesign dijo [Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 02:11:17AM -0700]: > @gwolf Heads up that the release also has a tarball attached with the non-firmware files stripped out. You might not...
penyuan dijo [Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 08:09:08AM -0700]: > Sorry I'm a bit late to the discussion. > Is there someone who knows the current technical requirements of the...
Rob Myers dijo [Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 10:53:00AM -0700]: > Depending on how you mean technical requirements: > > * Slack is a hosted service so that saves us...
I just updated my sites, and am being bitten by this problem. Updating to 12.5.2 does **not** fix the issue for me. I tried patching Drupal with, to no...
Sorry, didn't see this issue until now. I can try to add multilingual support to this program; could you send me the strings your `My Clippings.txt` file uses? FWIW, the...
jilguer dijo [Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 01:12:20PM -0700]: > hello gwolf! > thanks for your work, same for spanish: > 'Note' = 'Tu nota' > 'Bookmark' = 'Tu marcador'...