Jenia Rafalovich
Jenia Rafalovich
install my and set you code on src/appsDevelop/starterProject/containers/myComponent/myComponent.js run npm i npm run starterProject:start then navigate
Hi its cool and solve my problem of performance. but i cant use CustomTreeData on getChildRows const getChildRows = (row, rootRows) => { }; row is always null can you...
i build this sample code can you say if its best performance case [sample](
how i implement sort and filter ? when i use getCellValue?
can you show simple example of multiple filter on same column like
i try but its dont work do you have sample how its will work?
the link from comment no work as "LocalFiltering" not includes in "@devexpress/dx-react-grid": "^1.7.0",
perfect thank you. i build some basic sample using hooks if some one need [sample]( setFilter('count',[1,20,100]) updateFilters([['count',[]] , ['name' , ['Linda','Lisa','Paul']]]); //clear all setFilters([]);