Gwendolyn Chee
Gwendolyn Chee
However, changing the name makes it not backward compatible. Should we just leave it as `sss2_input`? But update the Moltres documentation to use `sss2_input = True` for openmc as well?
@munkm suggests to name the variable `gtransfxs_inverted`. `gtransfxs_inverted = True` will be used for SCALE and `gtransfxs_inverted = False` will be used for OpenMC and Serpent. To ensure backward capability,...
@smpark7 what do you think?
Oh I see, ya makes sense. I'll implement `gtransfxs_inverted = False` for SCALE and `gtransfxs_inverted = True` for OpenMC and Serpent. Yeah if you could give me any pointers about...
@marcocisternino 1) Could you set the cmake VERBOSE_MAKE variable to ON and post here the output of the make command again? ``` (base) gwen@ubuntu:~/github/bitpit-build$ make /home/gwen/anaconda3/bin/cmake -S/home/gwen/github/bitpit -B/home/gwen/github/bitpit-build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake...
@marcocisternino I Set CPATH in your .bashrc with "export CPATH=/usr/include/:$CPATH" and then "source ~/.bashrc" to update the terminal session Then deleted bitpit-build directory, created a new one, and: ``` (base)...
This notebook provides a description on how to add memory to the STRUCTURED_CHAT_ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION agent: