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vim-bindings for Reaper
Goals: - [x] No Ruby dependencies. - [x] Reapack installer support - [x] No "script is already running in the background" - [ ] No basic/extended keymap, only one file...
I have a very minimal install of Reaper with reaper keys, yet there is about a 1 second delay on every reaper keys action. I'm running the linux version of...
Reaper 7 has just been released, with a vastly superior comping system - unfortunately, it is very mouse-centric. Any plans to add some of its features to reaper-keys?
Hi @gwatcha, reaper-keys is revolutionizing my life, both editing [podcasts]( and (soon hopefully) creating music. THANK YOU! I don't know how to add notes in the piano roll, however. I...
Hey hey!! Thanks for all the work on this. I've been seriously working with reaper keys as a film composer for a few months and am trying to make it...
The symbols #$%^&*() are not recognized by reaper keys. If i add them as a shortcut in the actions list it works but they are reset every time I open...
Pasting multiple items to tracks pastes them on last touched track even if that is part of a track selection (like if you visual track select from the top down...