reaper-keys copied to clipboard
vim-bindings for Reaper
Reaper keys
Reaper keys is an extension for the REAPER DAW that provides a new action mapping system based on key sequences instead of key chords. The system is similar to Vim, a modal text editor, and by default comes with vim-like bindings.
Click here for a very outdated and low quality demo for v1 or jump to examples.
- Save a couple minutes per hour
- Develop arthritis at 60 instead of 40
- Reduce mouse usage
- Increase maximum bandwidth between your brain and your project
- A structure for Reaper's giant bag of actions
- Add
to Reapack. - Install SWS by hand or from ReaTeam Extensions.
Bind key sequences
With Reaper keys you may bind key sequences to actions rather then singular key presses. This allows one to hierarchically organize many keybindings. A completion/feedback window is provided to assist with command completion.
Compose actions
Reaper keys lets one compose actions of different types to create new commands. For
example, in normal mode, any action with timeline motion
type can follow any one with
timeline operator
type. So if one enters tL
, it would compose into (t -> "PlayAndLoop", L -> "NextMeasure")
, and play and loop the next measure.
Other examples of timeline operator
bindings are s
-> "SelectItemsAndSplit" , or z
-> "ZoomTimeSelection", so you could also enter sL
or zL
This grows the number of available actions exponentially but still preserves your brain,
as you only need to know the timeline_motions
, timeline_operators
, and the fact that
you can compose them.
Changing modes changes the way keys compose. By default, it is in normal
mode, but you
could for example go into visual timeline
mode by pressing v
In this mode, timeline motions
extend the current time selection, and timeline actions
operate immediately and return one to normal
mode. Useful if you want visual feedback
before executing a timeline action, or just want to extend the time selection using motion
Macros are a way to save a sequence of commands, and play them back later.
To record a macro, enter q
and an arbitrary character to specify the register
that the
macro will save into. Then, perform a series of actions, and finish recording by pressing
You may play it back by entering @
and the character you specified earlier. Optionally,
prefix it with a number to indicate the number of repetitions.
Some ideas to start with
o # insert track
<Space>fc # show fx chain
a # add fx
# add ReaSynth
<ESC> # close fx window
im # insert midi item
<Space>so # open in midi editor
0 # jump to project start
a # add note and select it
5p # paste 5 more notes (last one is selected)
NN # select two more previous notes
<M+k> # move 3 notes up semitone
Z # close midi editor
5+ # zoom horizonally 5 times
An alternative way if you wish to start recording straight ahead:
iv # insert virtual instrument track
# Select ReaSynth. Track gets created and armed
<ESC> # close fx window
R # toggle record
# play some notes
<Enter> # stop recording
If you want to manipulate the item:
v # set mode visual
3l # jump right 3 grid divisions
o # change time selection bound (to left one)
l # jump right
! # play and loop
If you want to adjust item volume:
<C+<Space>> # show mixer (for visual feedback)
10<C-J> # -10db volume for track
Enter <CM-x> (Ctrl + Alt + x)
to show a list of available bindings you can search and
If you're stuck in a state you don't know how to get out of, you can press <ESC>
reset back to normal.
Also, if your key press is not being detected, try unfocusing the feedback window.
internal/definitions/actions.lua -> add actions
internal/definitions/bindings.lua -> add or customise key bindings
internal/definitions/config.lua -> change GUI settings
Running tests
For running tests locally you'd need some Linux distribution with X11 and xdotool
cd tests;
chmod +x prepare copy-configs test
./prepare # This will create a local Reaper installation
./copy-configs # This will make current instance of reaper-keys testable
./test # This will run every test and compare with reference projects
If you don't use X11 you can have a look at .github/workflows/wf.yml
to see how x11 is
emulated with Xvfb.
Writing tests
Each test is just a sequence of keys you press to achieve some result. One notable exception is
a hotkey or a special key like "Return" (Enter) or "Backspace". In that case, prefix line with
and enter the key combination after, like &Return
Reporting performance issues
- Download "Lua profiler" from ReaTeam Scripts and "ReaImGui" from ReaTeam Extensions via ReaPack.
- Change "profile" to "true" in internal/definitions/config.lua
- In Reaper, click Actions > Running script > rk.lua > Terminate instances. There may be no "Running script", then just skip this step.
- Press any key. A profiler window will open.
- Click "Acquisition > Stop" in the profiler window after you're done
- Click "Copy to clipboard". Paste in a GitHub issue.
- When you're done, change "profile" back to false and repeat (3)
Further Information
Check out the documentation to learn more.