@taniabanerjee No there is not unfortunately. If you had traces of each MPI rank you could run them using Prospero, but it's a simple memory-trace execution model and I'm not...
Work is underway to make critical structures in SST-Core serializable in preparation for checkpoint generation. We've identified that many structures can be serialized without visible API changes. Handlers however (e.g.,...
Update on statistics checkpoint: Support for checkpointing statistics was merged in PR #1098
This is a useful addition and should be relatively straightforward to support. I'm going to mark "in progress" to denote that we're looking into enabling this.
@bremerm31 Thanks! We've been considering integrating Metis and this will be helpful in making it happen. Like @feldergast , it'll be a bit before I get a chance to look....
Data should be getting written back to memory when it is evicted from L1. The block is marked as written in the cache and initiates a PutM request (writeback/modified) when...