Gabriel Viso Carrera
Gabriel Viso Carrera
As reported by Atom 1.13.1: > In `lcov-info/styles/lcov-info.atom-text-editor.less`: > > Starting from Atom v1.13.0, the contents of `atom-text-editor` elements are no longer encapsulated within a shadow DOM boundary. This means...
Due to Java 8 being unable to pre-allocate memory for an unlimited number of open files, the spring boot containers exit on an out of memory error. This is common...
Adds the command `ulimit -n 10000` to the startup script, so that Java 8 doesn't run out of memory when trying to allocate memory for all possible open files (unlimited...
### Pitch Some base images, although LTS still under support, are not providing node.js v14, and forcefully installing them may break system-wide dependent scripts or programs. An example is Ubuntu...