Gertjan van Heertum

Results 20 comments of Gertjan van Heertum

> Actually spoke too soon, built and tested locally, but is failing on my VM with the error message > > ``` > System.Drawing is not supported on this platform....

@HughGrovesArup I did some tinkering in the past with the SVG lib to get it in an API. I tried making a WebAPI (ASP.NET MVC) and Azure function. The azure...

> From my reading I had seen that System.Drawing.Common could be used instead of System.Drawing and then things would 'just work'. I had assumed that the inclusion of netstandard2.0 support...

Having a copy of the Fizzler sources in the SVG library is perhaps not the best way to go and might indeed be a problem. I'm not even sure if... Article 4 states: > You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library...

@mrbean-bremen No problem, this topic directly caught my attention. I also never noticed the external components, perhaps because they are put in a separate folder and are not change heavy....

On a different note: Although my walls-of-text might suggest otherwise, I am really *not* a lawyer 😉 Legal stuff and writing long texts is kind of a hobby 🤓

@H1Gdev, good point, I keep forgetting the 3.5 compatibility. .NET standard only works from .NET 4.5 and up ( so you are quite right that just referencing the package might...

@mrbean-bremen, I'll see what I can do. Will be continued. Thanks for looking up the support-cycle for .NET 3.5, I did not expect it to be supported until 2023 in...

@paulushub, you are right we directly seemed to jump to keeping the license and isolate the component. Regarding you suggestions: 1. Could definitely be an option, but then we still...