Gabriel Vergnaud

Results 13 issues of Gabriel Vergnaud

## Motivation TS-Pattern's goal is to make it possible to pattern-match on any kind of data structure, which means you can start using it in your project without having to...

Hi again :) Here is an attempt at implementing useEffect. It seems to work, but it might be closer to useLayoutEffect since I run the effect right after updating the...

Hi! Here is the implementation for the style object prop. Thanks again for your work on Didact :)

Type-Level TypeScript is a course covering concepts you need to know in order to solve most type challenges on this repository. I think it would be relevant to people trying...

> Please follow the template and fill the info. A PR will be auto-generated and always reflect on your changes. > > Detailed solution/guide is not required, but please be...


I figured we don't really need to worry about possible collisions with lodash since we are at the type level. `_` Makes partial expressions look much cleaner IMO. Before: ```ts...

If we want this to be used, we will need to setup a good documentation website. What are the best tools to build technical docs these days?

We should have an error path in all pipeable functions so that they can throw when their input is incorrect. Not sure what this would look like yet.

We should add some tooling to easily compare how changes affect type-checking performance

# TODO - [ ] add unit tests and doc for `P.object.exact({...})` - [ ] Make sure `P.object.exact({ prop: })` works, both for type inference and runtime. ## `P.object`...