Gunnar Venaas

Results 7 comments of Gunnar Venaas

Tested on an ESP32, but no fix on my device

My device failed when going from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5 I am also seeing theese messages in HomeAssistant: Template variable error: 'value_json' is undefined when rendering '{{ value_json.tPI | is_defined }}'...

Could it be som case sensitivity? I see theese in HA: 2022-08-15 22:24:05.637 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Got update for entity with hash: (**'sensor', 'ams-esp32_tPI')** '{'name': 'Accumulated active import', 'state_topic': 'kamstrup-meter/energy',...

I am wondering about the use of the instance notation that now is like this: elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01': } Are You planning to remove that when dealing with the multi...

Any updates on the "upgrade path" challenge. Since Puppet don't allow two versions of the module within an environment, its troublesome to find a solution today. How about allowing a...

This is a wanted feature..