Recent releases of the clonezilla text-UI like version 5.4.4 are published in the "unstable" directory: https://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-core/src/unstable/ The latest release in the "stable" directory is "clonezilla-3.35.2.tar.xz" from 2019. Are the more...
Currently there is no commandline utility that I know of that - actually uses lib(x)crypt and does not reimplement the hashes itself (like htpasswd) - is commonly available on most...
Each hash method has it's own way to encode parameters like cost and salt. For auditing and monitoring purposes it would be nice to have a generic tool which could...
Idea: Add a counter to the hardware that stores it's value within the secured boundary. The counter can only be increased and not be decremented or overflow (=fail instead of...