Guy Van den Broeck
Guy Van den Broeck
Jax jit works fine most of the time, but occasionally I get the following error, which I don't know how to interpret. > 2019-05-05 21:59:48.182440: W external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/] Can't find ptxas...
I love the ability to execute code blocks and show the results in markdown. However, when showcasing a large API, having two boxes for each expression starts to take up...
Cf. Using `CUDA.@atomic` inside of a broadcast errors: ```julia # ERROR with CUDA.@atomic function g(test) broadcast(CuVector(1:2), transpose(CuVector(1:3))) do i,j v::Float32 = j CUDA.@atomic test[i] += v end end g(CUDA.zeros(Float32,2))...
Most of our inference functions assume something about the circuit (smoothness, decomposability, determinism, structured decomposability). Currently there are some functions that check these preconditions explicitly in code, some that add...
Cf Cf ?
until is fixed
Add as an optional dependency ( At minimum, make it easy to convert the native SDD data structure to Julia structs in the `LogicCircuit` hierarchy, so we can do...
Currently we have functionality to determine satisfiability and model counts, but we don't actually have a SAT solver that can output a satisfying assignment. It's not hard to implement: it...
Write a function to export our `Dag`s to `SimpleGraphs.jl`, at which point we could visualize them and check whether certain traversal algorithms would be faster in that framework.