Guy Royse

Results 10 issues of Guy Royse

The documentation in is incorrect. Admittedly in a small way. It states: > You can also save it to the local file 'model.ext' with redis-cli like so: > >...

waiting for redis release

Entities are fine, but sometimes you just need to JSON. Do this as a JavaScript object as well as a JSON string to save on the call to `.stringify`.


It'd be nice to provide a default value to a Schema so that when an Entity is created, you don't have to set a field if you don't want to....


RediSearch supports all sorts of awesome aggregations. Add support for them.


Right now if you console.log an Entity, it displays internal state, but not the defined properties. Implement `.toString` to make this a better developer experience.


RediSearch for RedisJSON supports boolean tag fields as arrays now. Take advantage of that.


Right now, all text searches are considered equal. But RediSearch allows for weighted searches. Take advantage of that during schema creation by adding a `weight` option to the schema for...


Currently blocked, as RediSearch does not allow arrays of numbers for TAG fields. Add this as soon as it's an option.


Right now you have to pass in an Entity to the Repository. It would be great to be able to call `.save` right on the Entity. This pairs nicely with...


Example as coded does not function. A simple update to support async/await and the actual function names that Node Redis 4 uses.