Same here. I think the issue comes from `Sec-Fetch-Dest: iframe` header, added automatically by the browser which trigger 403. You can test : Output 200: `curl -v -k -H...
Interesting : when running test script via npm, empty rows do not trigger the 'tr' filter, hence test pass. But on browser (firefox, chrome), empty rows trigger the 'tr' flter....
Created pull request #31 for this bug
NPM package created until pull request is approved (and maintained)
Sounds a good plan, especially after the dependencies to Joplin in the package have been removed couple weeks ago (reason why I did create my own fork). Just couple things:...
Created a pull request #31 for this issue
Thanks a lot. You are right. Seems redundant job I did there. Though table output not working 100% as I expect... I will further look at it.
I proposed a pull request #31 that fixes both issues