Results 10 issues of Guy Lando

Arrived to this great repository after watching your great talk on scalability on youtube. The situation here: is relevant for us (we have ~10 such workers which keep synchronizing...

Great package, thanks for making it! We want to solve our blocking problems but there are too many warnings regarding dotnet framework code and it makes too much noise to...

Currently if you load a remote https page (on domain on the ios webview then `cdvfile://...` urls requested from that page for active content such as js and css...

platform: ios

Anyone see significant performance difference or some other difference which justify using this plugin over using web implementation of a popover?

can you please add support to sniff svg? thats the only thing missing to use this package for image content format sniffing.

The browser user agent has a lot of information. If it was overriden by OverrideUserAgent cordova preference then there is no way to get the original user agent from javascript....


In maincore function parser.add_argument("-T","--timeout", default=10, required=False,dest="timeout", should be parser.add_argument("-T","--timeout", type=int, default=10, required=False,dest="timeout", or otherwise the argument is considered a string and then "client = httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout)" produces a client which...

Spiderfoot has a race condition bug that in the end of __startScan first changes status to FINISHED and then does few more things and on the other hand

This is relevant to the operation on url input. socid-extractor sends request to the url and only then tries to parse according to its list of supported websites. On the...

The instructions are wrong: The correct installation is to add TwitterKit and TwitterKitCore to embedded binaries and add TwitterKit to linked libraries. For cordova this can be done using...