I was trying to use your scripts on one of my devices that uses Das U-Boot to load Armbian. Interestingly enough, it also doesn't have a dedicated /boot partition, but...
I tried building the firmware myself and ran into a couple warnings and minor issues. Can you take a look. If you want to apply the pull request, that's fine....
I was having trouble with my hot-end (prints fine in PLA/PETG but always causes thermal run-away for any higher temp than that). I figured, either the heater cartridge or the...
I fixed a minor nuisances that I encountered with the agent. Feel free to either pull outright, or edit and apply your own fix. This is a one-liner. I noticed...
I fixed a minor nuisance that I encountered with the agent. Feel free to either pull outright, or edit and apply your own fix. This is a one-liner. When installing...
I made an attempt to convert the compose key extension to Manifest V3. But I am very unclear on how the transition to this new API is supposed to work....