Any news on this? I experience the same issue as @vadakr with 19.3.0-ee. Cloned the github repository to my local server and build the image with: ``` ./ -v 19.3.0...
I finally figured out that my problem was caused by the HEALTHCHECK in the Dockerfile. Because I am running the image as a docker swarm service, the scheduler restarts it,...
Ah great, thanks for the quick answer. I was wondering because i set up a jenkins instance for a new project and it crashed because the plugins from base image...
In my opinion, the problem with the variables is even bigger. We habe a Jenkins job with a choice parameter for selecting the customer. In my GIT repository, i have...
The Plugin keeps an own list auf possible apiVersions. We switched to another plugin (kubernetes-cli) which works fine.
As there is still no solution to this, we totally removed this plugin from our tech stack and replaced it by kubernetes-cli plugin. Without a solution to this issue, this...
we are facing similar issues with Hikari Pool in Kubernetes Pods connectiong to Postgres databases in IBM Cloud. After a switch of the db, Hikari can not connect to database...
@qianliniu , we resolved the problem by setting a socket timeout for the connection pool against Postgres to 90 seconds. We found a lot information here: Since that change,...
Are there any news on that? I would really appreciate that feature as the workaround posted here does not really work for docker swarm where I do not know if...