Add support for "application/sep+xml" as known media type. It is used in the IEEE Standard for Smart Energy Profile Application Protocol (IEEE 2030.5).
Hi Sergio, I'm loving the rocket so far. I'm trying to create a REST API for a protocol known as IEEE 2030.5. This protocol uses this content type on its...
Hi. Congrats for the project. Is it possible to add support for the new specification, the Modbus TCP Security, based on TLS? Some of new protocols based on modbus are...
If i read sequentially two the sets of registers, the second read never return. For example: let rsp1 = ctx.read_holding_registers(32000, 20).unwrap(); let rsp2 = ctx.read_holding_registers(32300, 40).unwrap(); A simple thread sleep...
I've been using the reqwest library for a long time with rustls-tls and self-signed certificates. However, when upgrading to version 0.12 the connection fails and the returning error does not...
Hi, anyone was able to connect with a WPA2 enterprise network using Rust? I'm trying with this code, but not luck by now: ` let mut esp_wifi = EspWifi::new(modem, sysloop.clone(),...
Hi. I'm trying to use the libmdns to responde mdns and dns-sd messages to an IEEE 2030.5 client. It turns out that IEEE 2030.5 standard has several subtypes: For example,...