Gustavo A. Díaz

Results 30 issues of Gustavo A. Díaz

Hi, I have a doubt about validating receipts in batch. Let suppose that I'm trying to validated receipts from a queryset. If I understand, errors on the validation process are...

Hugo, Te escribo esta vez en español. Mi consulta esta vez (o sugerencia): ¿No sería mejor que la selección de VAT_CONDITION (y posiblemente CLIENT_VAT_CONDITION) posea el código (code) de referencia...

Hi, Is this possible to build/install as self hosted?

I often have these errors when searching/loading media results: `Http failure response for,id&maxResults=20&key=AIzaSyB9cgwdwPyk6RcTNr86pZ1t-NqxL-EzNe4&q=house%20mix%202021&type=video&videoType=any&videoDuration=any&videoDefinition=any: 403 Forbidden The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota.`

Hi, Currently I use UFW as my home server firewall, but still I can figure it out to make Nat Loopback/Harpin to work correctly. And since UFW does not have...

Hi, At least in KDE (didn't tested in Gnome or other desktop) I have to use the middle button of my mouse to show Thunderbird main window. I didn't find...

Hi, Today test the last from git and what does not work: - RTSP does not work (daemon crash). When tried by hand, it shows: > ioctl "VPD_GET_PLATFORM_VERSION" fail: Invalid...

Would be nice to have a Linux support for this. Appart from TeamViewer, we only have VNC servers, which is not a really TeamViewer like replacement (and remote chrome desktop...

Hi, Does only works with zabbix-agent or does support zabbix-agent2?

Hi, There is a process, with that name, consuming one core of my server to 100% and I can't kill it by any means. My OS: ubuntu 18.04, using dattobd...