Guru D prasaad
Guru D prasaad
How can I run the Demo? Since , there is no task `gradle:run`
Yes i am also experiencing this , struck at `batch : 0` ``` 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 26/26 [00:26
@ckyrkou Thank you for the reply, Currently , - doing evaluation after `20` epochs - increased `NMS_IOU_THRESH` to 0.75 i am still getting `10647` bounding boxes as below, ``` Class...
@ckyrkou Thank you i tried with `CONF_THRESHOLD`=0.6 , it was working alright @beomgonyu you can please try this and see if that works :-)
@ckyrkou i tried to reproduce the accuracy that is > 78 for pascal_voc , but i could'nt get to that level as of now. This is what i am getting...
@ckyrkou cool , ofcourse parameters are different i too noticed , i too was wondering what could be the ideal parameter to get max mAP > 78 , i am...
@aningineer thank you i will surely try that out !
thanks that works @aningineer , i have to set max_boxes = `1024`
nope i have not yet , i am still trying @ckyrkou
@DamithDR i believe not , because i have taken the code directly from the official documentation itself and produced the results with this code below : ``` import math SAVE_EVERY_N_EPOCHS...