Code block for ionic 4 > What's the `DOMException` that is cut off in the screenshot?
i understand sorry
> Hmm, the error is kinda strange. > > I think usually you see that if: > > * The directory you're writing to does not exists > * Lack...
> > 4-5 mb below easily writes our problem is not to write large files and errors > > Hmm, in my apps I frequently write large amounts of data,...
private initSwipeGesture(): void { this._swipeGesture = new Gesture(this.el.nativeElement, { recognizers: [ [Hammer.Swipe, {direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_VERTICAL}] ] }); this._swipeGesture.listen(); this._swipeGesture.on('swipedown', e => this.onSwipe(e)); } new Gesture error
sir please :(
yes angular 8 please
yes please