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An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.

Results 149 btcrecover issues
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please help to solve the problem btcrecover Traceback (most NameError: name 'groestlcoin hash' is not defined installed pip install groestlcoin-hash did not help Traceback (most recent call last): File "",...

Hey gurnec, Sweet tool thanks for creating! Using on behalf of a friend who has: 1. forgotten their password for ethereum wallet in exodus - it's one of three phrases...

This pull request is motivated by #165 which lets users install `PyCryptodome` instead of the now inactive `PyCrypto` package. Since `PyCryptodome` installs all modules under the same `Crypto` package that...

- New requirements file created for just dependencies to save them in one place.

Ledger Ethereum Wallet uses a non-BIP44 compatible Derivation Path of m/44'/60'/0' Add in an "Ethereum Ledger" option to the "Wallet Type" dialog, that uses this path instead of BIP44 m/44'/60'/0'/0'

For BIP49 wallets I also needed to specify the path in the command-line like this `--bip32-path "m/49'/0'/0'/0"` Travis checks fails getting the dependencies, nothing related to this PR Related issues...

Fixed url to and added skipping ssl verification was failing because currently Blockchain info wallets after decryprion (whats inside of decrypted variable in line 151 of this script) start with '{tx_notes:{},guid:...' and the regular expression match from...

this commit adds support for, a free automated dev environment that makes contributing and generally working on GitHub projects much easier. It allows anyone to start a ready-to-code dev...