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An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.

Results 149 btcrecover issues
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Hello internet! I'm trying to run btc recover to get back a seed phrase that has been partially lost. I seem to be encourtering an issue (posted below) and I'm...

how to solve this problem, please advise [email protected] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/niko/btcrecover-master/", line 38, in mnemonic_sentence, path_coin = btcrseed.main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/home/niko/btcrecover-master/btcrecover/", line 3513, in main loaded_wallet =...

Hi Gurnec, i´m searching in btcrecover any option to get the public address in ETH path BIP44 using a passphrase BI038. Note these addresses are derived from the BIP32 Extended...

Hey, can anybody tell me why am I getting this issue ``` can't guess wordlist language: best guess (en) has only 5 valid word(s) Press Enter to exit ... ```...

Hi, i have 21 out of 24 from my mnemonic - i know the order of the words but dont know where the missing words are in that order. I...

підскажіть хто знає як отримати сід фразу з xprv9s21ZrQH143K3P8gT9dgRaWHQkdgS4HMoRoQzRREtEzko5qfuJBRAnVsTVrx2HVeDA5PcLvxXEDP5QA9dXPsjFFYUsw1ZAmAxNgeSQXm5zy tell me who knows how to get the seed phrase from xprv9s21ZrQH143K3P8gT9dgRaWHQkdgS4HMoRoQzRREtEzko5qfuJBRAnVsTVrx2HVeDA5PcLvxXEDP5QA9dXPsjFFYUsw1ZAmAxNgeSQXm5zy [email protected] with the help of one hundred dollars and...

please help to solve the problem btcrecover Traceback (most NameError: name 'groestlcoin hash' is not defined installed pip install groestlcoin-hash did not help [email protected] Traceback (most recent call last): File...