Gurmukh Panesar
Gurmukh Panesar
I've had a go at doing this but it's not been easy at all. Integrating the webVR stuff isn;t too bad, but for some reason when VRDisplay.update is called in...
Any idea how to do this? On 3 November 2016 at 13:20, Prisacariu Alexandru [email protected] wrote: > From what I see I think maybe we should implement the stereoscopic 3d...
I did something similar, wrote it from scratch using the WebVR polyfill On 8 December 2016 at 10:02, Prisacariu Alexandru wrote: > Because of the actual implementation and all the...
Adding an `if` check around memberJID seemed to work, although now all chat messages do not have a name associated to them... ``` if (memberJID) { [member setValue:chat forKey:@"chatSession"]; [members...
Any update on this?
I'm getting no error in the console, just nothing shows. When using Canvg, the SVG shows fine on IE Edge, but when I use other drawing tools like Fabric or...
Would it be possible to define a helper method that returns whether a 3D or 2D renderer is used? An alternative way to check which renderer to use could be...
Could you share some code showing it solved with through2 and plumber? I get the non-string buffer check error every time.