
Results 44 comments of gurachan

the only problem is the list is not selectable ..

but if you revert the original theme it will run smoothly ..

temporary fix. i did ... make a folder js2 ... js2 contains the original js from backup then replace filemanager template in the original .. but the problem is the...

temporary fix ... i hope it will be fix in the next release ... thanks :) i copy the original js files from original web folder and name it...

yes proguard settings for this and for -dontwarn** -keep class*\* { _; } -keep interface\* { _; } -keepattributes *Annotation_,Signature -dontwarn com.github.siyamed.** -keep class com.github.siyamed.shapeimageview.**{ *;...

an example of calling function inside is nice too

me too have this error just now xD

yeah please for socket io

> > By [minimally modifying]( your code, [xorstr for integer]( is implemented > > > But I don’t know how to modify the following function to support `enum` or `floating...