
Results 7 comments of guozhongluo

> @pengweixiang > hi ,I just want to know the detail of how do you fix the problem? > MIne just din't work after fine-tune on the dataset of celebA(it...

你有没有在项目属性->c/c++->常规->附加包含目录 添加src文件夹路径

你没有给vs配置opencv路径,只要opencv version>2.0 都可以。 [配置方法参考](

@may0324 根据你们的信息,model大小没变,但是预测速度有没有加快?

@pgadosey pruning , predict can be speed up?

@xiaohu2015 你读取的是.h5模型,要读取caffemodel格式模型,才会调用ComputeBlobMask()

Using the [openface]( library to calculate yaw pitch,roll