Guo Yunhe

Results 111 issues of Guo Yunhe

Currently, the auth.db and craft.db is stored directly under users home directory. In GNU/Linux, the standard application data directory is `~/.local/share/Craft`. So the users' home directory will not be polluted...

My gulp file When enabling livereload, the browser still cache HTML. So it looks like not live reload at all. Can you add some HTTP header to disable caching...

Fix language server crash issue

In main(commit) view, when you select a changed SVG file, git-cola give you a very nice visual diff view. (But you cannot check the text diff) In history view, when...

The bar_chart icon is much smaller (both width and height) than other icons: ![Screenshot_20200730_171821](

icon bug

## What is the current behavior? 发生了什么? 在 Vite 模式下,连续构建两次,用 time 命令计算时间: ``` rm -rf node_modules && npm install time npm run build time npm run build ``` 两次构建时间相差无几,似乎没有利用到缓存加速。 在...

feature request

## What is the current behavior? 发生了什么? 当前 ice 项目初始化之后,ESLint 和 Stylelint 相关的 scripts 为: ```json { "scripts": { "lint": "npm run eslint && npm run stylelint", "eslint": "eslint --cache...

## What is the current behavior? 发生了什么? 当项目配置 entry 为 object 且 vite 模式开启: ```json { "entry": { "pages/marketing/cashBack/index": "src/pages/marketing/cashBack/index.jsx", "pages/customContact/index": "src/pages/customContact/index.jsx", "pages/customFeeContact/index": "src/pages/customFeeContact/index.jsx", "pages/data/index": "src/pages/data/index.jsx", "pages/npo/index": "src/pages/npo/index.jsx", "pages/po/index": "src/pages/po/index.jsx"...


## What is the current behavior? 发生了什么? 我们有一个典型的 MPA 应用,有两个页面,两个页面只有一个共享组件。 在 Vite + SPA 模式下构建,这个共享组件被单独打包成了一个文件: - vendor.js/css - page1.js/css - page2.js/css - sharedComponent.js/css ## What is the expected behavior? 期望的结果是什么?...

## What is the current behavior? 发生了什么? 最近在做从 JUST 到 ICE 2.x 的迁移,由于旧项目的很多依赖在 Vite 下编译不过,于是先用 Webpack 模式。但是在迁移后,发现构建时间明显变长了。使用 ICE 的分析工具 `DISABLE_FS_CACHE=true npm run build -- --build-speed` 发现主要是 scss 文件编译时间过长。 做了一个复现例子,比较了 CRA,JUST...