Gunnar Morling

Results 633 comments of Gunnar Morling

Hi, I just came across this issue, and as you were discussing JFR, I thought the [JfrUnit project]( might be useful here. It lets you run assertions against JFR events,...

Just chiming in to raise my voice in support for dynamic completions. The `git` command is a great example for this; for instance, `git branch ` will show all the...

For reference, I solved this for now by means of a hidden command which simply prints out a String with the completion candidates of a given context. This is invoked...

Thanks for the push, @tomsej and @wingerx. We can certainly try to revive this for 1.9. It has been a while since I last looked into this PR, so I'll...

@jpechane, could you add this to tomorrow's meeting agenda? I think it's definitely something we should talk about. Thx!

@jpechane, can you take a look at these changed assertions? Do you think it's something we could or should do for 1.8 (rather than 2.0)?

@jpechane, could you rebase this one? Also, what's needed in order to un-draft it?

Hey @bingqinzhou, could you take a look at this update to the Cassandra connector docs? Thanks!

Hey @ahmedjami, thanks for this! Could you perhaps give me a short explanation of what a "snitch" exactly is in the context of Cassandra? It seems to be the cause...

@rk3rn3r, what's missing to wrap this one up? Would be nice to get it off our plates eventually.