Results 12 issues of William OLLIVIER

This relates to issue https://github.com/firebase/firebase-admin-python/issues/626

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** VSCode can use Python type annotations to provide a much better experience, and allow completion. **Describe the solution you'd like**...

help wanted
type: feature request
api: core

We have had quite a lot of failures recently due to chartmuseum being super slow when rebuilding the index on the fly, having to parse 7000 charts in a Google...

### Basic Infos - [x] This issue complies with the [issue POLICY doc](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/POLICY.md). - [x] I have read the documentation at [readthedocs](https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest) and the issue is not addressed there. -...

waiting for feedback

It looks like the `orderDocs` function in `cache.ts` is removing (or not returning) documents when they contain the `id` property in the document itself. I haven't dug deeper into this,...

Upon using the latest version of this package (0.10.2) in conjunction with the latest version of Flask (2.2), I'm getting the following warnings: ``` ./usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask_log_request_id/request_id.py:18: DeprecationWarning: '_app_ctx_stack' is deprecated and...

The Firebase emulators (Auth, Firestore and Storage in particular) allow data to be saved to a local folder upon exit, and imported at startup. This allows one to re-start the...

On MacOS Mojave and Catalina, training the NER models results in a segfault during the training of epoch 1. I'm using the command as advertised `pytext train < src/resources/config/ner.json`, from...

With the following dict as the value of the `train_output` parameter to the `SklearnTextClassifier.load` method in `pyheartex/htx/adapters/sklearn.py`: `{'model': '/Users/wollivier/.heartex/models/1.my_super_model/1582135897/model.joblib', 'idx_choice_map': '/Users/wollivier/.heartex/models/1.my_super_model/1582135897/idx_choice_map.json'}` the sklearn adapter is not able to load the...

When using PyHeartex (master, bbfbea40ae0170fa1baf5771770b8c4a70d5142b), running a very basic example (similar to what is in examples/quickstart.py) ``` pipeline = make_pipeline(TfidfVectorizer(), SVC()) # Start serving this model serve(pipeline) ``` I get...