Miguel Panelo

Results 14 issues of Miguel Panelo

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am trying to make use of Acorn for Navigation in a fully Jetpack Compose screens. This is hard because...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** For example: Scene1 pushes to Scene1 They are the same scenes but can have different data. So during transition there's...


Is it possible to have multiplatform support? I imagine an architecture where Acorn can be used as a navigation in a multiplatform project, and specific implementations can be done on...


Ability for Kaskade to save states and replay them later. Replay action/states could be: 1. replay(Map) Optional: 2. replay(String) string json map of action and states 3. replay(File) file json...


Investigate Github Actions to run CI and as a replacement for TravisCI


RxJava would soon release RxJava3 https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/releases/tag/v3.0.0-RC1


Nice to have to offload wikis to github pages for ease of use. Ideas: https://orchid.netlify.com/ https://dev.to/cjbrooks12/how-to-document-a-kotlin-project-edc https://www.mkdocs.org/


Add ability to watch incoming actions and outgoing states Something like this: ```Kotlin Kaskade.create(initialState) { watchActions { action -> // do something like send analytics } watchStates { state ->...


Currently Kaskade's concurrency is bounded by coroutines and Rx. There's no way to make use of Java `Threads` and `Executors`. Should be easily done by making a reducer. We should...
