Guillermo Calvo

Results 7 comments of Guillermo Calvo

The lightweight version of the library does not support _complex_ multithreading. However, **OpenMP** directives are safe to use; and it _might_ as well be safe to use [**C11 threads**]( if...

**exceptions4c** provides a macro `e4c_reusing_context` which allows for exception handling _inside library functions_. This macro reuses an existing exception context, if available when the library function was called. If there...

Hi @Frotty, I don't exactly understand what kind of anchors are you missing there. The template currently generates anchors for all **sections**, and kramdown automatically generates IDs for all **headings**....

Hey @Frotty, just made a small change to display anchors in the browser. Please check it out :+1: You are right about Prism, [I disabled it]( because Jekyll has its...

I've checked out the provided sample app [grails-cas-encoding]( and ran it locally. It seems to work totally fine as it is (no need to disable spring security cas): ```bash $...

@funcoleto I believe the app is returning the correct response, but your command line application is not interpreting UTF-8 correctly. Could you please run this test locally and tell us...

@funcoleto Thanks for your help! That's not the same response I get when I run it locally 🤔 Could you tell me which OS / JDK version are you using...