Hello i am facing an issue with one of my server. When selecting a submap, it crashed with this error : ``` Error: (0) Undefined array key "ack" URL: /nagvis/server/core/ajax_handler.php?mod=Map&act=getMapObjects&show=Baie_A&header_menu=1&hover_menu=1&context_menu=1&zoom=100&_ajaxid=1688561307...
Hello, i try to load a set of 2000 Points by loading them with a json5 file (potree format). It fail during load and windows become unresponsive. How to check...
Hello, When manually creating a measure Point, it use a red dot to be dispayed on the map. Is there a way to change this color from UI ? As...
Hello, I use wmic compiled on master branch (v 23/01/2024). I use this command : `wmiclient --delimiter=, -U -d 9 [email protected] --password="secretpass" //server.localdomain.local[sign] "SELECT size,freespace FROM win32_logicaldisk" ` here full...
Hello, It seems that triggered() return true after firstTrigger() was called before. It seems this behaviour not correct, since code can be executed many times. Consider this code that test...