Guilherme Donato
Guilherme Donato
Just like in the email verification, we should allow users to change their phone number while on the Task page.
Add links to allow users to verify their phone numbers. * At the profile edit page, under the phone input * At the Dashboard
Session key `force_password_change` is not being set, therefore the interface is not being correctly displayed.
Just like Gmail, send an email to users when they log in in a new browser. This check could be done with cookies.
Allow users to set a backup email and phone to allow for account recovery in the case of loss of access of the main email/phone.
Currently we are allowing only HTTP and HTTPS and the specification allows "an alternate scheme, such as one that is intended to identify a callback into a native application" ([Section...
Although the `contacts` field contains an user's valid email, the user is not being listed as an owner.