Guilherme Donato
Guilherme Donato
Every time I log into the system my email and phone are being changed without my consent and with no warning whatsoever. # Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in normally...
**New Features**: - PROCERGS#699: Added new tech support interface; - PROCERGS#830: Added new fraud detection using phone numbers as a correlation method.
Implement a "block-list" to allow banning certain Phone Numbers due to previous abuses. It could allow two modes: 1. Manually adding the phone number 2. Automatically detecting when enough users...
When deauthorizing a Client involved in a Remote Claim, the Remote Claim authorization is not revoked as it should.
Due to the documentation being rewritten we forgot to add the claims available at the UserInfo Endpoint. We should list them in the API Documentation.
RP creation logic is spread across several places. This is obviously problematic and is currently blocking the development of PROCERGS#666