
Results 7 issues of guijiyang

I think the it's already download last time, but when i open vscode, it will download it again

help wanted

I use cmake to manage project, and set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD with 23. but STL header without highlight on c++17,20 code chunk. it seems like MSVC use _MSVC_LANG instead of __cplusplus, which...


I add a breakpoint in any where, debug cannot execute coroutine code and stuck at somewhere. without breakpoint ,it debug normal. ![2020-04-21 14-22-34 的屏幕截图]( ![2020-04-21 14-26-41 的屏幕截图](


clangd ASTWorker build other project's source file which is not include in compile_commands.json. ``` { "directory": "d:\\Code\\OtherProject\\cxx\\folly", "arguments": ["C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Professional\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.35.32215\\bin\\HostX64\\x64\\cl.exe", "/c", "/nologo", "/O2", "/fp:fast", "/Id:\\Code\\OtherProject\\cxx\\folly", "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "/DBOOST_CONFIG_SUPPRESS_OUTDATED_MESSAGE", "/D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS",...

### Xmake 版本 2.8.6 ### 操作系统版本和架构 windows10 ### 描述问题 spdlog 编译的时候使用fmt库,`add_requires("spdlog v1.13.0", { configs = { header_only = false, fmt_external = true } })` 但是自带的cmake config 的时候会出现找不到fmt config 信息: 编译windows版本的时候就不会有这个问题,fmt...


I download code and build with dawn. but onQueueWorkDone don't called, as I close the window down, onQueueWorkDone called by release adapter, and got wrong status: "Queued work finished with...