Animation Prep Studios

Results 7 issues of Animation Prep Studios

I just downloaded the steamvr_unity_plugin and can clearly see that whenever I roll my hand over the skeleton's fingers appear to move strangely, I think it is intentional but I...


Hi I have been trying to find a way of reading the HMD's position and rotation in Unity even when the current VR SDK mode is set to None. I...

I see in example you call to patreon.API.get_identity() But when i exactly try the same I get: AttributeError: 'API' object has no attribute 'get_identity' Has it been removed? How do...

If I provide the input: `[code] for i in var: print(var[i]) [/code] ` precise-bbcode does not actually format that line as code (and it remains as plain text). This has...

Hi, after activating DirectShow then starting OBS when I click add Video Capture Device the OBS application freezes. This never used to happen so I think it's OBS related but...

I am using Unity 2019.3.2f1 and Windows 10. when I build and run a windowed game and I then click outside of the window and un-focus the game, after 5...

Thank you for creating this wonderful plugin! I am trying to stream video from one Unity project running on Windows into another Unity project running on Android (on a Quest...