Hi, Thanks for the reply. I did try to uninstall locally without any success. I uninstalled globally and then tried both installation commands (and uninstalling again in between). I still...
Another "weird" thing is that when I `npm list -g` I only see the harmonyhub platform but not the edomoticz one (which is working)...
And how do you do that ?
I had no chance trying to install v0.1.1. I still don't have a working Harmony under systemd daemon
@ToddGreenfield I did `chmod -R 777 ~/.npm-global` and `chmod -R 777 /var/lib/homebridge` without any success...
@ToddGreenfield here are my findings : `pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /etc/default/homebridge` ``` # Defaults / Configuration options for homebridge # The following settings tells homebridge where to find the config.json...
I also have one (working, but only when I launch Homebridge manually) config.json file under `pi@raspberrypi:~/.homebridge $ sudo nano ~/.homebridge/config.json` ``` { "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:21:3E:E4:DE:37", "port": 51826,...
Hello there, It's been a long time a try to fix this issue without any success. Today, I tried a completely fresh install on a new SD card. And I...
@foomanshoe For my issue, it looks like HarmonyHub isn't installed in the same directory. So I created a symlink between the "normal" location and the actual one, and it worked...
@aturn3 So, here is the complete process that I followed for making homebridge-harmonyhub work : Install Raspbian Lite ( --- Install Domoticz - `sudo curl -L | sudo bash`...